If you joined us at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms for the awards celebration evening, please email: sales@31media.co.uk for your unique coupon code that will allow you to purchase one entry at the 2023 prices, and gain a second entry totally free. Limited time offer!
Best Use of Technology
Awarded for the best use of technology in a DT project.
Judges will be looking for:
- Detailed discussion of project goals, importance, achievements and successful results
- Demonstration of cutting-edge and fit-for-purpose technology was correctly and effectively used
- Illustration of training and upskilling team & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Best Digital Transformation – Financial Services
Awarded to the best digital transformation project in Financial Services sector
Judges will be looking for:
- Evidence of sector-specific transformation goals, programme achievements and successful results to positively impact the business and improve customer experience
- Positive impact to the financial service sector
- Consideration of project’s sustainability impact (both during and post-transformation)
- Evidence of vision, forward-thinking & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the transformation on time and within budget
- Key performance indicators used to measure the programme’s success
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Best Digital Transformation – Retail
Awarded to the best digital transformation project in Retail sector
Judges will be looking for:
- Evidence of sector-specific transformation goals, programme achievements and successful results to positively impact the business, improve customer experience and create sustained transformation
- Positive impact to the Retail sector
- Consideration of project’s sustainability impact (both during and post-transformation)
- Evidence of vision, forward-thinking & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the transformation on time and within budget
- Key performance indicators used to measure the programme’s success
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Best Digital Transformation – Public Sector
Awarded to the best digital transformation project in Public sector
Judges will be looking for:
- Evidence of sector-specific transformation goals, programme achievements and successful results to positively impact the business, improve customer experience and create sustained transformation
- Positive impact to the public sector
- Consideration of project’s sustainability impact (both during and post-transformation)
- Evidence of vision, forward-thinking & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the transformation on time and within budget
- Key performance indicators used to measure the programme’s success
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Best Cultural Transformation
Awarded for the most successful cultural transformation in a DT project.
Judges will be looking for:
- Detailed discussion around current culture and challenges, identifying capabilities to enhance business success and creating sustainable transformation.
- Demonstration of breaking down barriers, collaboration, transparency and encouraging the sharing of responsibilities.
- Proof of cultural transformation, design of autonomy and empowerment, accelerating growth, increased productivity.
- Discuss key performance indicators and how they have impacted towards success
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges and obstacles.
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team.
Best Customer Experience
Awarded for the best Customer Experience in a DT project.
Judges will be looking for:
- Detailed discussion of project goals, importance, achievements and successful results
- Demonstration of cutting-edge and fit-for-purpose technology was correctly and effectively used
- Illustration of training and upskilling team & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Best Use of Data
Awarded for the best use of data in a DT project.
Judges will be looking for:
- Detailed discussion of project goals, importance, achievements and successful results
- Demonstration of cutting-edge and fit-for-purpose technology was correctly and effectively used
- Illustration of training and upskilling team & working closely with stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Transformation Team of the Year
Awarded to the most outstanding transformation team over the last 12 months.
Judges will be looking for:
- Discussion of targets achieved through effective teamwork.
- Highlight the ability to work with a dev/business/product owner around potentially changing requirements.
- Demonstration of strong team ethos
- Evidence and evaluation of problem-solving and self-improvement within the team
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Transformation Leader of the Year
Awarded to the most outstanding individual manager or team leader over the last 12 months.
Judges will be looking for:
- Demonstrate what they did to build, support, nurture, develop and motivate a team to become successful
- Evidence that are both quantitative (measurable metrics or technical elements that show statically what has been achieved) and qualitative (feedback from the team, project stakeholders, senior organisation leaders, or customer/users).
- Examples of procedures put in place to ensure high quality results
- Evidence and evaluation of self-improvement and commitment to high standards
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Best Use of Cloud in Digital Transformation
Awarded for the best use of cloud technology in a Digital Transformation project
Judges will be looking for:
- Cloud capabilities leveraged to achieve transformation goals, to enhance business success and reduce the total cost of ownership
- Demonstration of cutting-edge and fit-for-purpose technology was correctly and effectively used
- Cloud strategy used and scale of cloud adoption
- Demonstrate the positive impact of cloud transformation on operational resilience, observability, and scalability
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Illustration of staff training and upskilling team during cloud migration
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Most Innovative Transformation
Awarded for the use of innovation in a Digital Transformation project
Judges will be looking for:
- Demonstration and description of using innovative technologies, strategies and processes in your digital transformation project.
- Details on measurable impact of using innovation
- Clear demonstration of the innovative nature of the project – what was the driver for innovation and how it was achieved
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Best Sustainable Digital Transformation
Awarded for the best sustainable digital transformation project
Judges will be looking for:
- Detailed discussion of organisation’s sustainability goals and how the project helped deliver them
- Evidence of the consideration of the Environmental, Social, and Governance factors associated with the project,
- ESG-specific metrics used to measure project success
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Best Use of FinTech(s)
Awarded to the best use of FinTech in delivery of a Digital Transformation
Judges will be looking for:
- Demonstration of the use of FinTechs in delivering your Digital Transformation project
- Evidence outcomes delivered to the business and your customers using FinTech integration
- Evidence of collaboration between your organisation and FinTechs
- Evidence and evaluation of overcoming project challenges/obstacles, specifically integrating FinTech technology and culture into your organisation
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Leading Digital Transformation Vendor – Products
Awarded to the vendor organisation whose product(s) are proven to be critical to successful digital transformations
Judges will be looking for:
- Evidence of how product has been proven to be critical to successful digital transformations
- Outstanding performance in terms of market growth and sector coverage
- Evidence and evaluation of a commitment to high quality, standards and customer satisfaction
- Proof of thought leadership and innovation
- Key success factors and differentiators for your product(s)
- Evidence of Value for money, quality of the product and customer trust
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Leading Digital Transformation Vendor – Services
Awarded to the vendor organisation whose services are proven to be critical to successful digital transformations
Judges will be looking for:
- Evidence of how your organisation’s services have been proven to be critical to successful digital transformations
- Outstanding performance in terms of market growth and sector coverage
- Evidence and evaluation of a commitment to high quality, standards and customer satisfaction
- Proof of thought leadership and innovation
- Key success factors and differentiators for your services
- Evidence of Value for money, quality of the product and customer trust
- Evidence of commitment to promoting diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the project team
Leading Vendor
Awarded to the vendor organisation/service provider/consultancy who receives top marks for their product/service and customer service.
Judges will be looking for:
- Evidence and evaluation of a commitment to high quality and standards for customers
- Commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement
- Evidence of Value for money, reliability, flexibility and responsiveness to change
- Proof of thought leadership and drive to excel in the Digital Transformation industry
The Digital Transformation Award

The main award of the evening is ‘The Digital Transformation Award’ and is presented to the manager, team, or project that judges felt excelled in all areas and surpassed every other individual, organisation, or venture.